Streaming TV
Internet Designed to Stream
Level Up Your TV Experience
Streaming provides a more flexible and affordable way to access the entertainment content you love. Chances are you have specific shows, live broadcasts, and networks that you prefer to watch. However, you’re also likely paying for lots of content that you couldn’t care less about.
With a robust AVS internet connection, a capable streaming device and the right streaming services you can easily enjoy the content you want, without having to pay for all the extras. It’s the perfect reason to ‘cut the cord’ with your expensive cable or satellite provider!
Make Streaming Easy
There are three things you need to begin streaming TV: a capable internet connection, a modern streaming device, and the streaming service(s) that feature the content you want. Keep reading to find out more!
STEP 1: Sign Up for AVS Internet
If you’re already an AVS internet customer, congrats! You’re done with this step. All AVS internet plans are capable of streaming in high definition. If you’re not an AVS internet customer, check out our options available to you.

STEP 2: Get the Right Streaming Device
You may already have a streaming device in your home and not even know it! Many modern flatscreen TVs have streaming capabilities built into them. This is called a ‘Smart TV”. Check your TV’s manual to see if it is a Smart TV. If not, you will need standalone hardware such as a Roku, Amazon fireTV, or Apple TV device.
STEP 3: Choose Your Streaming Services
Common streaming services include Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and YouTubeTV, however there are many more available based on your preferred TV content. Some are even free! The trick is to determine the shows and stations that you want to watch, then choose the streaming services that offer your preferred content.
Take the guesswork out of choosing which streaming services may meet your needs with this free, helpful tool.*

* is not affiliated with AVS. It is provided as a free third-party tool to assist in determining streaming services that may appeal to your online TV viewing needs. You are not obligated to enter personal information, including your email address, or sign up for streaming services through this tool. AVS is not responsible or liable for any streaming device or service costs, nor is it obligated to provide any customer support for such devices or services.